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Sydney Calzaretta
Special Education Teacher
Intermediate School
417-272-8250 x2720
Michael Campbell
Head Mechanic
(417) 272-8173 x4160
Joe Carlile
Director of Information and Technology
417-272-8266 x4100
Casey Carpenter
Middle School
(417) 272-8245
Tonia Carroll
Food Service
Elementary School
(417) 272-1735 x3132
Alisha Cavinder
Literacy Specialist
Elementary School
(417) 272-1735 x3322
Amy Chaplin
Primary School
(417) 272-3241
Andrea Chavez
Intermediate School
(417) 272-8250 x2690
Angela Clamors
Intermediate School
(417) 272-8250 x2712
Rachel Claunch
Instructional Coach
High School
417-272-8171 x1313
Melanie Clevenger
Music Teacher
Elementary School, Intermediate School
(417) 272-1735 x3301
Katie Clopton
HS Counselor
High School
417-272-8171 x1299
Patti Cole
Food Service
Primary School
(417) 272-3241 x5121
Amanda Cole
Elementary School
(417) 272-1735
Tara Connors
Assistant Principal
Primary School
417-272-3241 x3891
William Constantine
Social Studies Teacher
High School
(417) 272-8171 x1702
Colleen Conway
Foreign Language Teacher
High School
(417) 272-8171 x1700
Derek Cook
English Teacher / Drama Director
High School
(417) 272-8171 x1720
Shelby Cook
Math Teacher
Middle School
(417) 272-8245
Kaitlyn Cook
First Grade Teacher
Primary School
(417) 272-3241 x6210